From AI to Super-AI? Myths, Challenges, Opportunities and Threats
Currently, we are witnessing a boom of Artificial Intelligence (AI) due to successful application in problem-solving in a wide range of scientific domains. However, for most people AI is still misunderstood, for the good and bad it can cause. AI algorithms are also difficult to understand, opaque and may have implicit biases in their decision-making. Thus they need explicability if users are to trust, accept and adopt the next generation of AI systems on a wider scale. The societal implications of AI-based systems is also a topic under debate. Some relevant issues are:
What will AI change in the nearby future?
What jobs will AI take over and what jobs will create?
What is the AI role in replacing human labour by machine labour?
How to increase AI algorithms and systems’ explicability?
How to increase users' trust in AI-based systems?
How will intelligent machines deal with emotions and creativity?
How far is strong AI and super-intelligence?
The following distinguish panel will try to address these and other issues
Albert Bifet, Telecom ParisTech, France
Arlindo Oliveira, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Eugénio Oliveira, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Pedro Melo Pinto, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
The session will be chaired by Goreti Marreiros, Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal.